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Ganoderma Lucidum is truly an Anti-viral Pharmaceutical

My first medicinal encounter with Ganoderma Lucidum was within one week of being introduced to Organo Gold Coffee. One morning I awoke with severe eye pain in my left eye. This eye has been my weaker eye for more than a year. I could not tolerate any light and the pain was severe. Upon examination by my opthamalygist, I was diagnosed with Opthalamulic Herpes. The medication prescribed was a very potent anti-viral which was very expensive. Because I have read about so many profound medicinal benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum, I decided to do research on Ganoderma Lucidum (aka Red Reishi Mushroom) and Ophtamlamulic Herpes. Therefore, I Googled to the two terms together and discovered three clinical trials that took place in China with this King of Herbs. Each of the trials demonstrated that Ganoderma Lucidum was very successful with ending herpes pain within four days. I decided to give this a try. I purchased my first bottle of Organo Gold's Ganoderma Lucidum.

The recommended dosage of Ganoderma Lucidum for daily well care is two capsules, three times daily. I decided to follow the same dosage the Opthamologist prescribed for the anti-viral, which was 4000 mg a day for 4 days and then return to her for re-examination. I took only 3000 mg of Ganoderma Lucidum, which was 4 capsules 3 times a day for four days. Upon my reexamination, I explained to my Opthamologist that I opted an alternative Anti-viral medicine which was not a chemical but a Super Food. She was surprised by my decision, took the bottle I shared with her and typed its name into her computer. Her first response was, "How did you know to take this?". My response was "I am a distributor for the company that puts it in all of its products." She then stated, "Well, lets how well it helped you." Upon re-examining my left eye, my Opthamologist was completed astounded that there was no sign of herpes infection in my eye. She then asked to see my bottle of Ganoderma Lucidum again and stated that she would like to do more research on it. She took it and left me waiting nearly 15 minutes before her return. She stated, "I want you to take 4000 mg of this for the next four days to insure complete infection removal from your body." It was at this encounter that I decided the word about God's Nature for healing suffering must be shared with the world. This was the birthing of Gan Ohr (Garden of Light), LLC. While Ganoderma Lucidum is our featured King of Herbs or Spiritual Herb that heals where the darkness is in our bodies, Gan Ohr promotes all of God's Healing Plants for improving the quality of human life.

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